Creating is something that everyone can do. We can all look at a problem and innovate upon or transform it into something that doesn’t fit the mold of what was once standard. The trouble, however, is that nobody is doing it. As a writer, I find myself running into this very problem. I do things that are considered creative within my field, but people will often assume I only do one thing. That couldn’t be further from what I’m trying to persuade you to believe.
In many instances, writing is difficult. Having the ability to coherently pour out my thoughts and feelings on a topic without sounding overbearing is challenging. It takes time, a hint of elegance, and way too much effort for your average person. The difference for me is that I enjoy it. I enjoy writing and being able to think, type my thoughts out, and display them for the world to see. If I didn’t, you wouldn’t be reading this now. But what I don’t enjoy is writing about what everyone else is writing about. It’s simply a waste of time; it’s unnecessary for me to write about news that you can get from another site or to fluff up a piece that isn’t gripping any audiences. Nothing about it is interesting.
That’s why I try to do new things. Recently, I took over Blue Sun. Its first incarnation was a site that dabbled in the standard gaming fray, but I’m aiming to make it something more novel. Why talk about games on a superficial level when we can talk about the overarching themes and motifs of games, or the messages companies are pushing, or the influence gaming has on certain people? The topics you discuss dictate the audience you receive. If you write about things you have no interest in, then what are you writing for? Creativity doesn’t evolve if you allow yourself to grow jaded by the thoughts of everyone else.
There’s so much that all of us can create, but so little of us want to do it. So little of us want to go against the grain because it proves to be unpopular. People only want to see a nicely designed site and don’t care about the content on said site. People only want to see what they’ve already read on other sites because it gives them the option to replace an old blog with a new, nicely designed one. The problem with this mindset is that it limits creativity. When people look at what you create, you should feel pride and accomplishment. When you become proud of mimicking the next guy, you aren’t contributing anything worthwhile.
Creativity in writing isn’t something that comes easily. It’s hard to do, it’s hard to create. It’s hard to even bother if you walk in knowing you’re taking such a big risk. However, people like risk and people like to see personal challenges being put to the forefront. Writing is a skill, and it takes time to become a decent writer at best. Creativity has no prerequisite. Creativity is innate. Anyone can be creative. When you pair your creativity with your writing, you’re already ahead of the game and on your way to birthing something new.
At the end of the day, writing isn’t something that people want to do for an array of reasons. They may find it boring, difficult, and useless. Many times, it is just that. However, when you decide to write about something you find interesting and let your mind do all the typing, you create something that no else can. No one else can talk about what’s on your mind. No one else can speak with the same intensity that you do. No one else can write with your voice. Creativity in writing is a must and it’s pretty much all people want these days. No one wants the same exact thing, so why give it to them?