Culture Milk is a new approach to blogging and journalism. It’s not a site that reports news, there will be days where there will be no new posts – it’s a collective. Culture Milk aims for newness and creativity. We also aim for perfection and excellence through elegance. Our reviews have purpose and have topics. You won’t see detailed write ups on certain features, but you’ll see why they’re different or new. You will see reviews on movies, articles about new clothes or fashion, and on top of that, you’ll get to see what interests us. We aren’t like other sites — we’re different.
Shawn Wilkins
Owner / Writer
Shawn is an enthusiastic tech journalist who enjoys all companies regardless of what others around him say. He likes what he likes, and he enjoys working on anything that he can write about in order to bring news to others. With a massive eye for perfection, he aims to make everything as nice and easy as humanly possible.
Nate Boateng
Owner / Writer
Nate is a devoted husband and dad. He’s also a part-time media student. Nate is fanatical about technology, good design, UI/UX, good coffee, music, and film. He dabbles in photography, video editing, and the like.
Chase Oros
Designer / Writer
Chase Oros is a right-brained human from St. Louis, MO. He can’t solve trigonometry, but he can whip up an interface design with a thin blindfold. He has been known to make strangers laugh, and is an advocate for kindness.
Brittany Stevens
Copy Editor
Brittany is a literary creative from the beautifully gritty city of New Orleans, Louisiana. She usually spends her free time reading, watching monster movies, organizing anything in front of her, and discussing the possible fatal consequences of using bad grammar.
Tyler Anderson
Tyler is a software developer with strong feelings about the Oxford comma. Whenever he gets passionate about something he tends to geek out over it, especially when it comes to comics, video games, television, and the Minnesota Twins.
Jake Moore
Designer / Developer
Jake is a self-taught pixel pusher from good ol’ Mississippi with a passion for elegant design. He considers himself an ace photographer and twitter junkie with a dapper style. His love of bow ties and a good time classify him as a country gentleman.
Rachel Ridings
Rachel is from Denver, CO., but spends a lot of her time traveling the world and taking photos. She is an Interactive Producer and freelance photographer to pay the bills and an avid blogger to stay sane. She also probably spends more money on iPhone apps than she does on food.
Gus Bendinelli
Movie Guy
An aspiring cinematographer at USC who loves film, photography, technology, and everything else.
Rebecca Tarnopol
Rebecca is Culture Milk’s very own queen of the pen and tells it how it needs to be told. She advocates for good, minimal design, loves photos, video, pixels, and amazing music. Did we mention that she writes, too?