Category Archives: Expressive

Write Creatively II

Creating is something that everyone can do. We can all look at a problem and innovate upon or transform it into something that doesn’t fit the mold of what was once standard. The trouble, however, is that nobody is doing it. As a writer, read more »

# Editorials #Expressive #Opinions #Thoughts

Falling Flat

With iOS 7 comes a new way to design apps and make them appeal to an audience. The overall scheme, as of now, is to simply make everything flat and basic. While this model works well for certain apps (such read more »

# Apps #Editorials #Expressive #Insight #iOS Apps #Opinions #Tech

I Get It

I never understood Paul Miller’s attempt at breaking away from the Internet for a year, but today, I finally get it. I first thought that he was simply reinforcing what I was doing in the interim between iPhone releases (where read more »

# Culture #Editorials #Expressive #Thoughts